To create a ‘The Million Word Gap’ by nurturing the love for reading in this technology obscured world of children, to equip them with the power of imagination which can best be fuelled by books, to make the little ones realise that reading is not a chore; it’s the most pleasurable and productive activity. IT’S MAGIC!

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To get the right books to the right child to make them experience the magic of reading. Geography should not determine what children get to read and so we collect gems from the world and deliver the right set of books for children to fall in love with reading. It’s never too early or late to start enjoying the written words. All you need is the right book and WE are here to help.

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books sold...

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. 


SoniaA voracious reader. MBA in Finance. Formerlyworking into Analytics. Mother of a toddler.

I have multiple personalities. One day I am Hermione, another Frodo, and nowadays even Peter Rabbit or Ferdinand.

That’s the life of a bibliophile. I live in books, for books, by books, and with books. My love for books started at a very young age and since then I have developed the capacity to devour a library within a few months. I have passed on my craziness to my little one who has read more books than her age in months. When my love for reading could not be contained, I decided to pass it on to the world by collecting gems from across the world to help you raise a reader, a leader.

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The Parable of Sowers!

This was more like a jigsaw puzzle with the stars aligned right, that a mere conversation between the e-commerce techie and the bibliophile mother, turned into an idea which they then nurtured with passion into a budding start up.

Our team gathered gems from the world of magic and put together bits and pieces of fun to bring forward the most amazing reading experience for your child. It’s Fun by Fables that we at Fun’O’Fable are trying to spread to the tender saplings so they learn to believe in the magic of books and imagination and thus lay the foundation of a fertile brain.

Gift your little one the joy of unboxing imagination once each month. Join us in this journey and we will help you make your child million words richer.


As per a new research, if you read five books a day to children, they are likely to have heard 1.4 million more words by the time they enter kindergarten, compared to those children whose parents do not read to them at all. This gap between your children and the other’s is: The Million Word Gap.

Fun’O’Fable strives to ensure your child is ahead of the gap and has the advantage of hearing 1.4 million words by the time they reach kindergarten.

Research by Jessica Logan, lead author to the study and assistant professor of Education Studies at Ohio State University. The research is published in the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics.


What may seem like a task at first, is the best gift you can give to your child: 20 minutes of reading time every day. Another brilliant research which shows that, how much time you spend reading directly impacts the performance of the child in academia.

Research shows that 20 minutes reading opens your child’s world to about 1.8 million words (18 lakh) a year compared to a 1 minute of reading per day that helps your child see just 8,000 words a year. That means that if they read 20 minutes a day, they will have read for 851 hours by 6th grade and on standardised tests, they will likely score better than 90% of their peers.

Anderson, R. C., P. Wilson, and L. Fielding. Growth in reading and how children spend their time outside of school. Reading Research Quarterly 23: 285–303


A box that holds the magic of surprise, the joy of imagination, and the power of knowledge all wrapped in fables.

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Magic of Surprise

Every month, at your doorstep, awaits a new surprise. Reading books that are thoughtfully curated, with varying subjects, to create a sense of curiosity & patience in your child, unfolding the magic of hope & surprise.

Joy of Imagination

As the little ones enter the world of books and stories, they trigger within themselves, the joy of imagination. Fiction is more of an art form. It leads children down paths where they are left to invent a large part themselves. Visualising, creating and decision-making empower them for future.

Power of Knowledge

The power of words and the result of reading, is the Million Word Gap. Making children richer through reading is the foundation stone of Fun’O’Fable. Gift them the wealth of knowledge.