Steam Box


STEAM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math.
You may think some of these subjects seem lofty for young children to grasp.

NO! Every child is born scientist. Children are curious about their surroundings. They are the ones questioning everything from disassembling their toys to the existence of the universe.

Science encourages investigation and answering questions. Technology refers to using simple tools like crayons and rulers. Engineering refers to recognizing problems and testing solutions. Arts encourage creativity. Mathematics deals with numbers, patterns, shapes, organizational skills and much more

So let us spark their imagination by giving them the right answers, environment, literature and things to play and let their curious lamp burn.

Order @funofable STEAM box for your little one with three books, each for space, ocean and weather. These are limited boxes for Age 2- 4 years kids. So hurry…..
